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Field selection


Set the fields to be retrieved for data items of each supported type. The options object has the following structure:

block?: // field selector for block headers
transaction?: // field selector for transactions
receipt?: // field selector for receipts
input?: // field selector for inputs
output?: // field selector for output

Every field selector is a collection of boolean fields that map to the fields of data items within the batch context iterables. Defining a field of a field selector of a given type and setting it to true will cause the processor to populate the corresponding field of all data items of that type. Here is a definition of a processor that requests hash and status fields for transactions and the contract field for receipts:

const dataSource = new DataSourceBuilder().setFields({
transaction: {
hash: true,
status: true,
receipt: {
contract: true,

Same fields will be available for all data items of any given type, including the items accessed via nested references. Suppose we used the processor defined above to subscribe to some transactions as well as some receipts, and for each receipt we requested its parent transaction:

// some transaction data requests
// some receipt data requests

transaction: true

After populating the convenience reference fields with augmentBlock() from @subsquid/fuel-objects, the contract field will be available both within the data items of the transactions iterable of block data and within the transaction items that provide parent transaction information for the receipts matching the addReceipt() data request:

run(dataSource, database, async (ctx) => {
let blocks =
for (let block of blocks) {
for (let txn of block.transactions) {
let contract = txn.contract; // OK
for (let rec of block.receipts) {
if (/* rec matches the data request */) {
let recContract = rec.transaction.contract; // also OK!

Some data fields, like hash for transactions, are enabled by default but can be disabled by setting a field of a field selector to false. For example, this code will not compile:

const dataSource = new DataSourceBuilder()
transaction: {
hash: false,

run(dataSource, database, async (ctx) => {
for (let block of ctx.blocks) {
for (let txn of block.transactions) {
let hash = txn.hash; // ERROR: no such field

Disabling unused fields will improve sync performance, as the fields' data will not be fetched from the SQD Network gateway.

Data item types and field selectors


Most IDEs support smart suggestions to show the possible field selectors. For VS Code, press Ctrl+Space.

Here we describe the data item types as functions of the field selectors. Unless otherwise mentioned, each data item type field maps to the eponymous field of its corresponding field selector. Item fields are divided into three categories:

  • Fields that are always added regardless of the setFields() call.
  • Fields that are enabled by default and can be disabled by setFields(). E.g. a hash field will be fetched for transactions by default, but can be disabled by setting hash: false within the transaction field selector.
  • Fields that can be requested by setFields().


Fields of Transaction data items may be requested by the eponymous fields of the field selector. Composite fields like inputContract are requested in their entirety by a single selector.

Here's a detailed description of possible Transaction fields:

Transaction {
// independent of field selectors
index: number

// can be disabled with field selectors
hash: string
type: TransactionType
status: Status

// can be enabled with field selectors
inputAssetIds?: string[]
inputContracts?: string[]
inputContract?: {
utxoId: string
balanceRoot: string
stateRoot: string
txPointer: string
contractId: string
policies?: Policies
scriptGasLimit?: bigint
maturity?: number
mintAmount?: bigint
mintAssetId?: string
mintGasPrice?: bigint
txPointer?: string
isScript: boolean
isCreate: boolean
isMint: boolean
isUpgrade: boolean
isUpload: boolean
outputContract?: {
inputIndex: number
balanceRoot: string
stateRoot: string
witnesses?: string[]
receiptsRoot?: string
script?: string
scriptData?: string
salt?: string
storageSlots?: string[]
rawPayload?: string
bytecodeWitnessIndex?: number
bytecodeRoot?: string
subsectionIndex?: number
subsectionsNumber?: number
proofSet?: string[]
upgradePurpose?: UpgradePurpose
  • transactionType field has the following type:

    type TransactionType =
    "Script" |
    "Create" |
    "Mint" |
    "Upgrade" |
  • status field has the following type:

    type Status =
    SubmittedStatus |
    SuccessStatus |
    SqueezedOutStatus |

    Status can be one of the following:

    interface SubmittedStatus {
    type: "SubmittedStatus"
    time: bigint

    interface SuccessStatus {
    type: "SuccessStatus"
    transactionId: string
    time: bigint
    programState?: ProgramState

    interface SqueezedOutStatus {
    type: "SqueezedOutStatus"
    reason: string

    interface FailureStatus {
    type: "FailureStatus"
    transactionId: string
    time: bigint
    reason: string
    programState?: ProgramState
    totalGas: bigint
    totalFee: bigint

    ProgramState is defined as follows:

    interface ProgramState {
    returnType: "RETURN" | "RETURN_DATA" | "REVERT";
    data: string;
  • policies field has the following interface:

    interface Policies {
    gasPrice?: bigint
    witnessLimit?: bigint
    maturity?: number
    maxFee?: bigint
  • upgradePurpose field is of type ConsensusParametersPurpose | StateTransitionPurpose, where the types are defined as:

    interface ConsensusParametersPurpose {
    type: 'ConsensusParametersPurpose'
    witnessIndex: number
    checksum: string

    interface StateTransitionPurpose {
    type: 'StateTransitionPurpose'
    root: string


Fields of Receipt data items may be requested by the eponymous fields of the field selector. Here's a detailed description of possible Receipt fields:

Receipt {
// independent of field selectors
index: number
transactionIndex: number

// can be disabled with field selectors
receiptType: ReceiptType

// can be enabled with field selectors
contract?: string
pc?: bigint
is?: bigint
to?: string
toAddress?: string
amount?: bigint
assetId?: string
gas?: bigint
param1?: bigint
param2?: bigint
val?: bigint
ptr?: bigint
digest?: string
reason?: bigint
ra?: bigint
rb?: bigint
rc?: bigint
rd?: bigint
len?: bigint
result?: bigint
gasUsed?: bigint
data?: string
sender?: string
recipient?: string
nonce?: string
contractId?: string
subId?: string
  • receiptType has the following type:

    type ReceiptType =
    | "CALL"
    | "RETURN"
    | "PANIC"
    | "REVERT"
    | "LOG"
    | "LOG_DATA"
    | "TRANSFER"
    | "MINT"
    | "BURN";


Input data items can be of types InputCoin, InputContract or InputMessage. Each type has its own set of fields. To access the type-specific fields, narrow down the type by asserting the value of the type field, e.g.

if (input.type === "InputCoin") {
// use InputCoin-specific fields here

To get a name of a field selector field, apply a type prefix to a capitalized name of the data item field, e.g.

  • amount field of InputCoin input items is requested by coinAmount: true;
  • witnessIndex field of InputMessage input items is requested by messageWitnessIndex: true etc.

All Input* data types have transactionIndex, index and type fields. These cannot be disabled. There aren't any fields that are enabled by default and can be disabled.

InputCoin data items may have the following fields:

interface InputCoin {
type: "InputCoin";
index: number;
transactionIndex: number;
utxoId: string;
owner: string;
amount: bigint;
assetId: string;
txPointer: string;
witnessIndex: number;
predicateGasUsed: bigint;
predicate: string;
predicateData: string;

InputContract data items may have the following fields:

interface InputContract {
type: "InputContract";
index: number;
transactionIndex: number;
utxoId: string;
balanceRoot: string;
stateRoot: string;
txPointer: string;
contractId: string;

InputMessage data items may have the following fields:

InputMessage {
type: "InputMessage";
index: number;
transactionIndex: number;
sender: string;
recipient: string;
amount: bigint;
nonce: string;
witnessIndex: number;
predicateGasUsed: bigint;
data: string;
predicate: string;
predicateData: string;

It is possible to request more than one type of input in the same data request. For example, to request all inputs of type InputCoin and InputContract:

type: ["InputCoin", "InputContract"],


Output data items can be of types CoinOutput, ContractOutput, ChangeOutput, VariableOutput or 'ContractCreated'. Each type has its own set of fields. To access the type-specific fields, narrow down the type by asserting the value of the type field, e.g.

if (output.type === "CoinOutput") {
// use CoinOutput-specific fields here

To get a name of a field selector field, apply a type prefix to a capitalized name of the data item field, e.g.

  • to field of CoinOutput items is requested by coinTo: true;
  • inputIndex field of ContractOutput items is requested by contractInputIndex: true;
  • amount field of ChangeOutput items is requested by changeAmount: true;
  • assetId field of VariableOutput items is requested by variableAssetId: true;
  • stateRoot field of ContractCreated items is requested by contractCreatedStateRoot: true etc.

All output data types have transactionIndex, index and type fields. These cannot be disabled. There aren't any fields that are enabled by default and can be disabled.

CoinOutput data items may have the following fields:

CoinOutput {
type: 'CoinOutput'
index: number
transactionIndex: number
to: string
amount: bigint
assetId: string

ContractOutput data items may have the following fields:

ContractOutput {
type: "ContractOutput";
index: number;
transactionIndex: number;
inputIndex: number;
balanceRoot: string;
stateRoot: string;

ChangeOutput data items may have the following fields:

ChangeOutput {
type: 'ChangeOutput'
index: number
transactionIndex: number
to: string
amount: bigint
assetId: string

VariableOutput data items may have the following fields:

VariableOutput {
type: 'VariableOutput'
index: number
transactionIndex: number
to: string
amount: bigint
assetId: string

ContractCreated data items may have the following fields:

ContractCreated {
type: 'ContractCreated'
index: number
transactionIndex: number
contract: string
stateRoot: string

Block header

BlockHeader data items may have the following fields:

BlockHeader {
// independent of field selectors
hash: string
height: number

// can be disabled with field selectors
time: bigint

// can be enabled with field selectors
daHeight: bigint
transactionsRoot: string
transactionsCount: number
messageReceiptCount: number
prevRoot: string
applicationHash: string
eventInboxRoot: string
consensusParametersVersion: number
stateTransitionBytecodeVersion: number
messageOutboxRoot: string

Request the fields with eponymous field request flags.

A complete example

import { run } from "@subsquid/batch-processor";
import { augmentBlock } from "@subsquid/fuel-objects";
import { DataSourceBuilder } from "@subsquid/fuel-stream";
import { TypeormDatabase } from "@subsquid/typeorm-store";
import { Contract } from "./model";

const dataSource = new DataSourceBuilder()
url: "",
transaction: {
hash: false,
isMint: true,
receipt: {
amount: true,
gas: true,
input: {
coinOwner: true,
contractStateRoot: true,
output: {
coinTo: true,
contractCreatedStateRoot: true,
block: {
daHeight: true
type: ['Mint', 'Script'],
inputs: true,
range: { from: 1_000_000 }
type: ['LOG_DATA']
type: ['InputCoin', 'InputContract']
type: ['CoinOutput', 'ContractCreated'],
transaction: true