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Source data from a portal


SQD Network portals are currently in closed beta. Please report any bugs or suggestions to the SQD Portal chat or to Squid Devs.

This guide lets you replace a gateway of the open private version of SQD Network with a portal of the permissionless SQD Network as your primary source of data.

Benefits include:

  • Reduced reliance on centralized services:
  • Improved speed: The permissionless version of SQD Network has a lot more bandwidth than the open private network; moreover, portals use the available bandwidth more effectively than gateways. Data fetching was 5-10 times faster in some of our tests. For squids that are not bottlenecked by write operations this will translate into better sync performance.
  • Simplified API: compared to the request-response approach used by gateways, portals offer a simpler stream-based API.
  • Being future-proof: All future development will be focused on portals and the permissionless SQD Network. Open private network will be sunset around May 2025.

Here are the steps to migrate:

Step 1

Navigate to your squid's folder and install the portal-api version of @subsquid/evm-processor:

npm i @subsquid/evm-processor@portal-api

Step 2

Obtain an URL of an SQD portal for your dataset.

  • If you are an existing user of the SQD Cloud:

    Once you're done you should be able to run your (now portal-powered) squid both locally and in the Cloud. You can skip step 3 - it should be already done.

  • If you want to use a private portal:

  • If you don't have an SQD Cloud account and just want to see a portal in action, you can use the following URL template:<dataset-slug>

    where <dataset-slug> is the last path segment of the gateway URL for your network found on this page. For example, the URL for the Ethereum dataset is

Step 3

Configure your squid to ingest data from the portal by replacing the call to .setGateway in the processor configuration (conventionally at src/processor.ts) with a .setPortal call.

  • If you're using a private portal or a public portal on a local machine, the change will look like this

     export const processor = new EvmBatchProcessor()
    - .setGateway('<gateway URL for your dataset>')
    + .setPortal('<portal URL for your dataset>')
  • If you intend to run your squid in the Cloud, you should source the URL from the environment variable you configured in the manifest, e.g.

    +import { assertNotNull } from '@subsquid/util-internal';

    export const processor = new EvmBatchProcessor()
    - .setGateway('<gateway URL for your dataset>')
    + .setPortal(assertNotNull(
    + process.env.PORTAL_URL,
    + 'Required env variable PORTAL_URL is missing'
    + ))

If your squid used an RPC endpoint, keep the call for now: portals do not have the ability to ingest data in real time. Yet.

Your squid is now ready to source its data from an SQD Network portal. Give it a try!