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Squid CLI cheatsheet

The sqd CLI tool has built-in aliasing that picks up the commands defined in commands.json in the project root. In all squid templates this file is pre-populated with some handy scripts briefly described below.

One can always inspect the available commands defined in commands.json with

sqd --help

The commands defined by commands.json will appear in the SQUID COMMANDS help sections.

Before using the sqd CLI tool, make sure all the project dependencies are installed:

npm ci

Building the squid

sqd build             Build the squid project
sqd clean Delete all build artifacts

Running the squid


Both sqd up and sqd down assume that the docker compose command is supported and the docker deamon is running. Modify the definitions in commands.json accordingly if docker-compose should be used instead.

sqd up                  Start a local PG database
sqd down Drop the local PG database
sqd run [PATH] Run all the services defined in squid.yaml locally
sqd serve Start the GraphQL server
sqd serve:prod Start the GraphQL API server with caching and limits

DB migrations

Read TypeORM Migration generation for details.

sqd migration:apply             apply pending migrations
sqd migration:generate generate the migration for the schema defined in schema.graphql
sqd migration:clean clean the db/migrations folder

Code generation

Consult TypeORM Model generation for TypeORM model generation details, and Type-safe decoding for type generation.


Depending on the template, sqd typegen is aliased to a different typegen tool specific to the chain type and thus has different usage. Consult sqd typegen --help for details.

sqd codegen        Generate TypeORM entities from schema.graphql
sqd typegen Generate data access classes for an ABI file(s) in the ./abi folder