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A Logger interface is injected into the handler context with ctx.log. It is bound to the namespace sqd:processor:mapping. The context logger is a recommended way of logging for squid processors.

Logger exposes the following logging levels, in order of increasing severity:

  • INFO
  • WARN

By default, the logging level is set to INFO.

And here is an example: TypeormDatabase(), async (ctx) => {
ctx.log.trace("Trace Log example");
ctx.log.debug("Debug Log example");"Info Log example");
ctx.log.warn("Warn Log example");
ctx.log.error("Error Log example");
ctx.log.fatal("Fatal Log example")

Overriding the log level

The log level can be overridden by setting a matching namespace selector to one of the SQD_TRACE, ..., SQD_FATAL env variables. In particular, to set the handler logs level to DEBUG set the environment variable SQD_DEBUG to sqd:processor:mapping:


The namespace selector supports wildcards, so one can also enable internal debug logs of @subsquid/substrate-processor with


since all processor context loggers inherit the processor-level namespace sqd:processor.

Accessing logs of a deployed Squid

Processor logs can be inspected once the squid is deployed to Cloud:

sqd logs <name>@<version> -f --level <level>

See CLI Reference or sqd logs --help for a full list of log options supported by SQD Cloud.