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General settings


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The following setters configure the global settings of DataSourceBuilder for Solana Procesor. They return the modified instance and can be chained.

The only required configuration method is setGateway(). If you need real-time data, please also use setRpcEndpoint().

  • If you add both a SQD Network gateway and an RPC endpoint, the processor will obtain as much data as is currently available from the gateway, then switch to ingesting recent data via RPC.
  • If you only add a SQD Network gateway, your data will be being several thousands of blocks behind the chain head most of the time.

setGateway(url: string | GatewaySettings)

Use a SQD Network gateway. The argument is either a string URL of the gateway or

url: string // gateway URL
requestTimeout?: number // in milliseconds

setRpc(settings?: RpcSettings)

Adds a RPC data source. If added, it will be used for RPC ingestion. The argument format is:

type RpcSettings = {
client: SolanaRpcClient;
strideSize?: number; // `getBlock` batch call size, default 5
strideConcurrency?: number; // num of concurrent connections, default 10
concurrentFetchThreshold?: number; // min distance from head that triggers a fetch, default 50

SolanaRpcClient class is exported by @subsquid/solana-stream. Its constructor arg type is

url: string; // http, https, ws and wss are supported
capacity?: number; // num of concurrent connections, default 10
rateLimit?: number; // requests per second, default is no limit
requestTimeout?: number; // in milliseconds, default 30_000
retryAttempts?: number, // num of retries on failed RPC calls, default 0
retrySchedule?: number, // retry pauses in ms
maxBatchCallSize?: number; // default 100
headers?: Record<string, string>, // http headers
log?: Logger | null // customize or disable RPC client logs

setBlockRange({from: number, to?: number})

Limits the range of blocks to be processed. When the upper bound is specified, processor will terminate with exit code 0 once it reaches it.

Note that block ranges can also be specified separately for each data request. This method sets global bounds for all block ranges in the configuration.

includeAllBlocks(range?: {from: number, to?: number})

By default, processor will fetch only blocks which contain requested items. This method modifies such behavior to fetch all chain blocks. Optionally a range of blocks can be specified for which the setting should be effective.