Squid CLI is a command line tool for
- scaffolding new squids from templates
- running SDK tools and scripts defined in
in a cross-platform way - managing squid deployments in Subsquid Cloud (former Aquarium)
The CLI is distributed as a npm
To install Squid CLI, follow the steps below.
0. Install and setup Squid CLI
First, install the latest version of Subsquid CLI as a global npm
npm i -g @subsquid/cli@latest
Check the version:
sqd --version
Make sure the output looks like @subsquid/cli@<version>
The next steps are optional for building and running squids. A key is required to enable the CLI commands managing the Subsquid Cloud deployments.
1. Obtain a Subsquid Cloud deployment key
Sign in to Cloud, and obtain (or refresh) the deployment key page by clicking at the profile picture > "Deployment key":
2. Authenticate Squid CLI
Open a terminal window and run
sqd auth -k <DEPLOYMENT_KEY>
3. Explore with --help
Use sqd --help
to get a list of the available command and sqd <command> --help
to get help on the available options for a specific command, e.g.
sqd deploy --help