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SQD Network is a distributed query engine and data lake that the SQD ecosystem is built around.

Currently it serves historical blockchain data for 80+ networks. Compared to data access using a conventional chain node RPC, SQD Network allows one to access data at near zero cost, in a more granular fashion and from multiple blocks at once, thanks to its rich batching and filtering capabilities.

There are currently two independent instances of SQD Network:

  1. A decentralized permissionless network (testnet)

  2. A permissioned network run by Subsquid Labs GmbH, formerly known as Subsquid Archives. It's been used by 400+ indexers in production.

Both variants are freely accessible to public using the same API.

If you are a network developer and would like to see your chain supported by SQD, please fill a form or contact us in SquidDevs Telegram chat.

Permissionless public network

The decentralized version of SQD Network is currently a testnet. It serves data for a (growing) subset of networks supported by the private cluster. Each request is routed to the network node responsible for the appropriate subset of data via a local p2p gateway.

You can read more about the testnet here.

Open private network

SQD's private data lake (formerly known as Archives) is a production-ready fork of early SQD Network that runs on SQD infrastructure. It provides a stand-in for the permissionless SQD Network until it matures; its API is identical to that of p2p gateways of the public network.

The gateway of this private network is public and free to query. URLs of gateways of supported networks are available via sqd gateways ls and on the SQD Network reference pages.

List all supported networks:

sqd gateways ls -t evm

Usage in squids within EvmBatchProcessor configuration:

const processor = new EvmBatchProcessor()

See the EVM gateways page.