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The EVM API of SQD Network is currently in beta. Breaking changes may be introduced in the future releases.

SQD Network API distributes the requests over a (potentially decentralized) network of workers. The main gateway URL points at a router that provides URLs of workers that do the heavy lifting. Each worker has its own range of blocks on each dataset it serves.

Suppose you want to retrieve an output of some query on a block range starting at firstBlock (can be the genesis block) and ending at the highest available block. Proceed as follows:

  1. Retrieve the dataset height from the router with GET /height and make sure it's above firstBlock.

  2. Save the value of firstBlock to some variable, say currentBlock.

  3. Query the router for an URL of a worker that has the data for currentBlock with GET /${currentBlock}/worker.

  4. Retrieve the data from the worker by posting the query (POST /), setting the "fromBlock" query field to ${currentBlock}.

  5. Parse the retrieved data to get a batch of query data plus the height of the last block available from the current worker. Take the header.number field of the last element of the retrieved JSON array - it is the height you want. Even if your query returns no data, you'll still get the block data for the last block in the range, so this procedure is safe.

  6. Set currentBlock to the height from the previous step plus one.

  7. Repeat steps 3-6 until all the required data is retrieved.

Main URLs of EVM gateways are available on the Supported networks page.

Implementation examples:

Manual fetch with cURL

Suppose we want data on Ethereum txs to vitalik.eth/0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045 from block 16_000_000. We begin by finding the main URL for the Ethereum Mainnet gateway on the Supported networks page. Then we have to:

  1. Verify that the dataset has reached the required height:



  2. Remember that your current height is 16000000.

  3. Get a worker URL for the current height:


  4. Retrieve the data available from the current worker

    curl \
    -X 'POST' -H 'content-type: application/json' -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -d '{
    }' | jq

    Note how the address in the transactions data request is lowercased.


    "header": {
    "number": 16000000,
    "hash": "0x3dc4ef568ae2635db1419c5fec55c4a9322c05302ae527cd40bff380c1d465dd",
    "parentHash": "0x6f377dc6bd1f3e38b9ceb8c946a88c13211fa3f084622df3ee5cfcd98cc6bb16"
    "transactions": []
    // ...
    "header": {
    "number": 16004961,
    "hash": "0x9edecebf424558386879fe7f1b79550b6ab7d94ae9a953b2ac552c5ec99ad061",
    "parentHash": "0xffcb16149563c7ea48c398693141c2024645d83e768d37ed6cbd283a609475af"
    "transactions": [
    "transactionIndex": 126,
    "hash": "0xcbf7ff2e3f0cb52f436eca83ba540a526c855c1e28253ba42b3b46cc791a40ca"
    // ...
    "header": {
    "number": 16039119,
    "hash": "0x6c7a394c01931704bc850fa82ab21fe51b086b1afcedae61885abace1bc1e7e9",
    "parentHash": "0xeef4364766af5b838ff8059de4229b7a3381746d0046e390150f31d56f1163af"
    "transactions": []
  5. Parse the retrieved data:

    • Grab the network data you requested from the list items with non-empty data fields (logs, transactions, stateDiffs, traces). For the example above, this data will include the txn 0xcbf7....
    • Observe that we received the data up to and including block 16031419.
  6. To get the rest of the data, update the current height to 16031420 and go to step 3.

    • Note how the worker URL you're getting while repeating step 3 points to a different host than before. This is how data storage and reads are distributed across the SQD Network.
  7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 until the dataset height of 18593441 is reached.

In Python
def get_text(url: str) -> str:
res = requests.get(url)
return res.text

def dump(
gateway_url: str,
query: Query,
first_block: int,
last_block: int
) -> None:
assert 0 <= first_block <= last_block
query = dict(query) # copy query to mess with it later

dataset_height = int(get_text(f'{gateway_url}/height'))
next_block = first_block
last_block = min(last_block, dataset_height)

while next_block <= last_block:
worker_url = get_text(f'{gateway_url}/{next_block}/worker')

query['fromBlock'] = next_block
query['toBlock'] = last_block
res =, json=query)
blocks = res.json()

last_processed_block = blocks[-1]['header']['number']
next_block = last_processed_block + 1
for block in blocks:

Full code here.

Router API

GET /height (get height of the dataset)

Example response:

GET ${firstBlock}/worker (get a suitable worker URL)

The returned worker is capable of processing POST / requests in which the "fromBlock" field is equal to ${firstBlock}.

Example response:

Worker API

POST / (query EVM data)
Query Fields
  • fromBlock: Block number to start from (inclusive).
  • toBlock: (optional) Block number to end on (inclusive). If this is not given, the query will go on for a fixed amount of time or until it reaches the height of the dataset.
  • includeAllBlocks: (optional) If true, the Network will include blocks that contain no data selected by data requests into its response.
  • fields: (optional) A selector of data fields to retrieve. Common for all data items.
  • logs: (optional) A list of log requests. An empty list requests no data.
  • transactions: (optional) A list of transaction requests. An empty list requests no data.
  • traces: (optional) A list of traces requests. An empty list requests no data.
  • stateDiffs: (optional) A list of state diffs requests. An empty list requests no data.

The response is a JSON array of per-block data items that covers a block range starting from fromBlock. The last block of the range is determined by the worker. You can find it by looking at the header.number field of the last element in the response array.

The first and the last block in the range are returned even if all data requests return no data for the range.

In most cases the returned range will not contain all the range requested by the user (i.e. the last block of the range will not be toBlock). To continue, retrieve a new worker URL for blocks starting at the end of the current range plus one block and repeat the query with an updated value of fromBlock.

Example Request 1
"logs": [
"address": ["0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48"],
"topic0": [
"transaction": true
"fields": {
"block": {
"gasUsed": true
"log": {
"topics": true,
"data": true
"fromBlock": 16000000,
"toBlock": 16000000

Gets all Transfer(address,address,address) event logs emitted by the USDC contract on block 16000000, plus their parent transactions. Run


to get an URL of a worker capable of processing this query.

Example Response 1

Since the request was for one block, the response contains exactly one block:

"header": {
"number": 16000000,
"hash": "0x3dc4ef568ae2635db1419c5fec55c4a9322c05302ae527cd40bff380c1d465dd",
"parentHash": "0x6f377dc6bd1f3e38b9ceb8c946a88c13211fa3f084622df3ee5cfcd98cc6bb16",
"gasUsed": "0x121cdff"
"transactions": [
"transactionIndex": 0
"transactionIndex": 124
"transactionIndex": 131
"transactionIndex": 140
"transactionIndex": 188
"transactionIndex": 205
"logs": [
"logIndex": 0,
"transactionIndex": 0,
"topics": [
"data": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007270e00"
"logIndex": 30,
"transactionIndex": 124,
"topics": [
"data": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000032430d8b"
"logIndex": 34,
"transactionIndex": 131,
"topics": [
"data": "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000fa56ea0"
"logIndex": 35,
"transactionIndex": 131,
"topics": [
"data": "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000fa56ea0"
"logIndex": 58,
"transactionIndex": 140,
"topics": [
"data": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000026273075"
"logIndex": 230,
"transactionIndex": 188,
"topics": [
"data": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002536916b7"
"logIndex": 232,
"transactionIndex": 188,
"topics": [
"data": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002536916b7"
"logIndex": 372,
"transactionIndex": 205,
"topics": [
"data": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000018307e19"
"logIndex": 374,
"transactionIndex": 205,
"topics": [
"data": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000018307e19"
Example Request 2
"logs": [
"address": ["0xb0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48"]
"fields": {
"log": {
"topics": true,
"data": true
"fromBlock": 16000000

Attempts to gets all event logs emitted by a nonexistent contract on blocks starting at 16000000. Run


to get an URL of a worker capable of processing this query.

Example Response 2

The query matches no data, so the data field "logs" is an empty array for all the returned block data items:

"header": {
"number": 16000000,
"hash": "0x3dc4ef568ae2635db1419c5fec55c4a9322c05302ae527cd40bff380c1d465dd",
"parentHash": "0x6f377dc6bd1f3e38b9ceb8c946a88c13211fa3f084622df3ee5cfcd98cc6bb16"
"logs": []
... (a bunch of similar items for different block heights,
all with "logs": []) ...
"header": {
"number": 16039119,
"hash": "0x6c7a394c01931704bc850fa82ab21fe51b086b1afcedae61885abace1bc1e7e9",
"parentHash": "0xeef4364766af5b838ff8059de4229b7a3381746d0046e390150f31d56f1163af"
"logs": []

16039119 is the highest block that the worker could process. For the data beyond that block request a new worker from the router and repeat the request with "fromBlock": 16039120.

Data requests


Addresses in all data requests must be in lowercase. All addresses in the responses will be in lowercase, too.


address: string[],
topic0: string[],
topic1: string[],
topic2: string[],
topic3: string[],
transaction: boolean,
transactionTraces: boolean,
transactionLogs: boolean

A log will be included in the response if it matches all the requests. A request with an empty array (e.g. { address: [] }) matches no logs; omit all requests/pass an empty object to match all logs.

See addLog() SDK function reference for a detailed description of the fields of this data request; also see Field selection.

Get all Transfer(address,address,uint256) event logs emitted by the USDC contract on blocks starting at 16_000_000, plus their parent transactions. Get topics and data for each log item and hash for each transaction.

"logs": [
"address": ["0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48"],
"topic0": [
"transaction": true
"fields": {
"transaction": {
"hash": true
"log": {
"topics": true,
"data": true
"fromBlock": 16000000

Get all event logs network-wide on blocks starting from block 0. Get topics for each log.

"logs": [{}],
"fields": {
"log": {
"topics": true
"fromBlock": 0


from: string[],
to: string[],
sighash: string[],
logs: boolean,
traces: boolean,
stateDiffs: boolean

A transaction will be included in the response if it matches all the requests. A request with an empty array (e.g. { from: [] }) matches no transactions; omit all requests/pass an empty object to match all transactions.

See addTransaction() SDK function reference for a detailed description of the fields of this data request; also see Field selection.

Get all transactions directly calling the transfer(address,uint256) method of the USDC contract on blocks starting at 16_000_000, plus the logs they emitted. Get hash and gas for each transaction and data for all logs.

"transactions": [
"to": ["0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48"],
"sighash": ["0xa9059cbb"],
"logs": true
"fields": {
"transaction": {
"hash": true,
"gas": true
"log": {
"data": true
"fromBlock": 16000000

Get all transactions on the network starting from 0. Get hash for each transaction.

"transactions": [{}],
"fields": {
"transaction": {
"hash": true
"fromBlock": 0


type: string[],
createFrom: string[],
callFrom: string[],
callTo: string[],
callSighash: string[],
suicideRefundAddress: string[],
rewardAuthor: string[]
transaction: boolean,
transactionLogs: boolean,
subtraces: boolean,
parents: boolean

A trace will be included in the response if it matches all the requests. A request with an empty array (e.g. { callTo: [] }) matches no traces; omit all requests/pass an empty object to match all traces.

See addTrace() SDK function reference for a detailed description of the fields of this data request; also see Field selection.

State diffs

address: string[],
key: string[],
kind: string[],
transaction: bool

A state diff will be included in the response if it matches all the requests. A request with an empty array (e.g. { address: [] }) matches no state diffs; omit all requests/pass an empty object to match all state diffs.

See addStateDiff() SDK function reference for a detailed description of the fields of this data request; also see Field selection.

Data fields selector

A JSON selector of fields for the returned data items. Documented in the Field selection section.