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Field selection


Set the fields to be retrieved for data items of each supported type. The options object has the following structure:

block?: // field selector for block headers
transaction?: // field selector for transactions
log?: // field selector for logs
internalTransaction?: // field selector for internal transactions

Every field selector is a collection of boolean fields that map to the fields of data items within the batch context iterables. Defining a field of a field selector of a given type and setting it to true will cause the processor to populate the corresponding field of all data items of that type. Here is a definition of a processor that requests hash and fee fields for transactions and the data field for logs:

const processor = new TronBatchProcessor().setFields({
transaction: {
hash: true,
fee: true,
logs: {
data: true,

Same fields will be available for all data items of any given type, including the items accessed via nested references. Suppose we used the processor defined above to subscribe to some transactions as well as some logs, and for each log we requested its parent transaction:

where: {
// some transaction data requests
where: {
// some log data requests
include: {
transaction: true

The hash and fee fields will be available both within the data items of the transactions iterable of block data and within the transaction items populating the .transaction field of log data items:, async (ctx) => {
for (let block of blocks) {
for (let txn of block.transactions) {
let fee = txn.fee; // OK
for (let log of block.logs) {
if (/* log matches the data request */) {
let logTxFee = log.transaction?.fee; // also OK!

Some data fields, like hash for transactions, are enabled by default but can be disabled by setting a field of a field selector to false. For example, this code will not compile:

const processor = new TronBatchProcessor()
transaction: {
hash: false
}), async (ctx) => {
for (let block of ctx.blocks) {
for (let txn of block.transactions) {
let hash = txn.hash; // ERROR: no such field

Disabling unused fields will improve sync performance, as the fields' data will not be fetched from the SQD Network gateway.

Data item types and field selectors


Most IDEs support smart suggestions to show the possible field selectors. For VS Code, press Ctrl+Space.

Here we describe the data item types as functions of the field selectors. On Tron, each data item type field maps to the eponymous field of its corresponding field selector. Item fields are divided into three categories:

  • Fields that are always added regardless of the setFields() call.
  • Fields that are enabled by default and can be disabled by setFields(). E.g. a hash field will be fetched for transactions by default, but can be disabled by setting hash: false within the transaction field selector.
  • Fields that can be requested by setFields().


Fields of Transaction data items may be requested by the eponymous fields of the field selector. Here's a detailed description of possible Transaction fields:

Transaction {
// independent of field selectors
transactionIndex: number

// can be disabled with field selectors
hash: string
type: string

// can be enabled with field selectors
ret?: TransactionResult[]
signature?: string[]
parameter: any
permissionId?: number
refBlockBytes?: string
refBlockHash?: string
feeLimit?: bigint
expiration?: number
timestamp?: bigint
rawDataHex: string
fee?: bigint
contractResult?: string
contractAddress?: string
resMessage?: string
withdrawAmount?: bigint
unfreezeAmount?: bigint
withdrawExpireAmount?: bigint
cancelUnfreezeV2Amount?: Record<string, bigint>
result?: string
energyFee?: bigint
energyUsage?: bigint
energyUsageTotal?: bigint
netUsage?: bigint
netFee?: bigint
originEnergyUsage?: bigint
energyPenaltyTotal?: bigint

Here, TransactionResult is defined as follows:

contractRet?: string

Request the fields with eponymous field request flags.


Fields of Log data items may be requested by the eponymous fields of the field selector. Here's a detailed description of possible Log fields:

Log {
// independent of field selectors
transactionIndex: number
logIndex: number

// can be disabled with field selectors
address: string
data?: string
topics?: string[]

Request the fields with eponymous field request flags.

Internal transaction

Fields of InternalTransaction data items may be requested by the eponymous fields of the field selector. Here's a detailed description of possible InternalTransaction fields:

InternalTransaction {
// independent of field selectors
transactionIndex: number
internalTransactionIndex: number

// can be disabled with field selectors
callerAddress: string
transferToAddress?: string

// can be enabled with field selectors
hash: string
callValueInfo: CallValueInfo[]
note: string
rejected?: boolean
extra?: string

Here, CallValueInfo is defined as follows:

callValue?: bigint
tokenId?: string

Request the fields with eponymous field request flags.

Block header

BlockHeader data items may have the following fields:

BlockHeader {
// independent of field selectors
height: number
hash: string
parentHash: string

// can be disabled with field selectors
timestamp: number

// can be enabled with field selectors
txTrieRoot: string
version?: number
witnessAddress: string
witnessSignature?: string

Request the fields with eponymous field request flags.

A complete example