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Get event logs emitted by some or all contracts in the network. options has the following structure:

where?: {
address?: string[]
topic0?: string[]
topic1?: string[]
topic2?: string[]
topic3?: string[]
include?: {
transaction?: boolean
range?: {
from: number
to?: number

Data requests are located in the where field:

  • address: the set of addresses of contracts emitting the logs. Omit to subscribe to events from all contracts in the network.
  • topicN: the set of values of topicN.

Omit the where field to subscribe to all logs network-wide.

Related data can be requested via the include field:

  • transaction = true: will retrieve the parent transacton for each selected log.

The data will be added to the .transactions iterable within block data and made available via the .transaction field of each log item.

Note that logs can also be requested by the other TronBatchProcessor methods as related data.

Selection of the exact fields to be retrieved for each log item and the optional parent transactions is done with the setFields() method documented on the Field selection page.


Request all Transfer(address,address,uint256) event logs emitted by the USDT smart contract, include parent txs.

const USDT_ADDRESS = 'a614f803b6fd780986a42c78ec9c7f77e6ded13c'
const TRANSFER_TOPIC = 'ddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef'

where: {
address: [USDT_ADDRESS],
include: {
transaction: true