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Data requests


Setting a data request field to [] selects no data. Pass undefined for a wildcard selection:

.addEvent({name: []}) // selects no events
.addEvent({}) // selects all events

All array-valued data request fields (e.g. name?: string[] of addEvent() are arrays of acceptable values. That means that you can request e.g. multiple events with a single addEvent() call. Requesting data that way is more efficient than requesting data with many individual calls.


addEvent(options): Subscribe to Substrate runtime events. options has the following structure:

// data requests
name?: string[]
range?: {from: number, to?: number}

// related data retrieval
call?: boolean
stack?: boolean
extrinsic?: boolean

names must follow the convention ${Pallet}.${NameWithinPallet} with both parts usually capitalized, e.g. Balances.Transfer.

You may also request the data related to the events:

  • with call = true the processor will retrieve the parent call and add it to the calls iterable within the block data;
  • with stack = true it will do that with all calls in the entire call stack;
  • with extrinsic = true it will add the parent extrinsic to the extrinsics block data iterable.

Note than events can also be requested by the addCall() method as related data.

Selection of the exact data to be retrieved for each log and its optional parent transaction is done with the setFields() method documented on the Fields selection page.


addCall(options): Subscribe to runtime calls (even if wrapped into a system.sudo or util.batch extrinsic). options has the following structure:

// data requests
name?: string[]
range?: {from: number, to?: number}

// related data retrieval
events?: boolean
stack?: boolean
extrinsic?: boolean

The name must follow the convention ${Pallet}.${call_name}. The pallet name is normally capitalized, and the call name is in the snake_case format, as in Balances.transfer_keep_alive.

By default, both successful and failed calls are fetched. Select the call.success field and later check it within the batch handler if you need to disambiguate.

You may also request the data related to the calls:

  • with events = true the processor will retrieve all the events that the call emitted and add them to the events iterable within the block data;
  • with stack = true it will add all calls in the stack of each matching call, including itself, to the calls iterable;
  • with extrinsic = true it will add the parent extrinsic to the extrinsics block data iterable.

Note than calls can also be requested by the addEvent() method as related data.

Selection of the exact data to be retrieved for each log and its optional parent transaction is done with the setFields() method documented on the Fields selection page.

Specialized setters


A SubstrateBatchProcessor configuration setter that subscribes it to EVM.Log events by contract address(es) and/or EVM log topics. options have the following structure:

// data requests
address?: string[]
topic0?: string[]
topic1?: string[]
topic2?: string[]
topic3?: string[]
range?: {from: number, to?: number}

// related data retrieval
call?: boolean
stack?: boolean
extrinsic?: true

Related data retrieval and field selection are identical to addEvent().


A SubstrateBatchProcessor configuration setter that subscribes it to Ethereum.transact calls by contract address(es) and/or function sighashes. options have the following structure:

// data requests
to?: string[] // contract addresses
sighash?: string[]
range?: {from: number, to?: number}

// related data retrieval
events: boolean
stack: boolean
extrinsic: boolean

Related data retrieval and field selection are identical to that addCall().

The processor with fetch both successful and failed transactions. Further, there's a difference between the success of a Substrate call and the internal EVM transaction. The transaction may fail even if the enclosing Substrate call has succeeded. Use events = true to retrieve Ethereum.Executed events that can be used to figure out the EVM transaction status (see getTransactionResult()).


Subscribe to the ink! events (Contracts.ContractEmitted) of the WASM runtime. options has the following structure:

// data requests
contractAddress?: string[]
range?: {from: number, to?: number}

// related data retrieval
call?: boolean
stack?: boolean
extrinsic?: boolean

Contract addresses must be specified as hex strings, so make sure to decode them if yours are encoded with ss58.

Related data retrieval and field selection are identical to addEvent().



Structure of options is identical for both methods:

// data requests
programId?: string[]
range?: {from: number, to?: number}

// related data retrieval
call?: boolean
stack?: boolean
extrinsic?: boolean

The methods above subscribe to the events Gear.MessageQueued and Gear.UserMessageSent emitted by the specified Gear program.

Related data retrieval and field selection are identical to addEvent().