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Fields selection


Set the fields to be retrieved for data items of each supported type. The options object has the following structure:

event?: // field selector for logs
call?: // field selector for transactions
extrinsic?: // field selector for state diffs
block?: // field selector for block headers

Every field selector is a collection of boolean fields mapping one-to-one to the fields of data items within the batch context iterables. Setting a field of a field selector of a given type to true, like this

let processor = new SubstrateBatchProcessor()
call: {
origin: true

will cause the processor to populate the corresponding field (in this case origin) of all data items of that type (in this case Call). The field will be available in all data items of the type, including nested items. Suppose we used the processor defined above to subscribe to some calls as well as some events, and for each event we requested a parent call:

// some event data requests
call: true
// some call data requests

As a result, the origin field would be available both within the call items retrieved due to .addCall() and within the call items that provide parent call information for the events:, async ctx => {
for (let block of ctx.blocks) {
for (let call of block.calls) {
let callOrigin = call.origin // OK
for (let event of {
let parentCallOrigin = // also OK!

Some data fields are enabled by default but can be disabled by setting a field of a field selector to false. For example, this code will not compile:

let processor = new SubstrateBatchProcessor()
call: {
name: false
// some call data requests
}), async ctx => {
for (let block of ctx.blocks) {
for (let call of block.calls) {
let callName = // ERROR: no such field

Disabling unused fields will improve sync performance, as the disabled fields will not be fetched from SQD Network.

Data item types and field selectors


Most IDEs support smart suggestions to show the possible field selectors. For VS Code, press Ctrl+Space: selector auto-complete

Here we describe the data item types as functions of the field selectors. In SubstrateBatchProcessor each field of a field selector maps to the eponymous field of its corresponding data item type. Item data fields are divided into three categories:

  • Fields that are added independently of the setFields() call. These are either fixed or depend on the related data retrieval flags (e.g. call for events).
  • Fields that can be disabled by setFields(). E.g. the args field will be fetched for calls by default, but can be disabled by setting args: false within the call field selector.
  • Fields that can be requested by setFields(). E.g. the tip field will only be available in extrinsics if the extrinsic field selector sets tip: true.

In addition to data fields, data items have methods that simplify access to related data, e.g. Call.getExtrinsic().


Event data items may have the following fields:

Event {
// can be requested with field selectors
phase: 'ApplyExtrinsic' | 'Initialization' | 'Finalization'

// can be disabled with field selectors
name: string
args: any

// independent of field selectors
id: string
index: number
block: BlockHeader
callAddress?: number[]
call?: Call
extrinsicIndex?: number
extrinsic?: Extrinsic

// methods
getCall(): Call
getExtrinsic(): Extrinsic

Definition of the types mentioned are available in their respective sections:


Call data items may have the following fields:

Call {
// can be requested with field selectors
error?: any
origin?: any
success: boolean

// can be disabled with field selectors
name: string
args: any

// independent of field selectors
id: string
address: number[]
block: BlockHeader
events: Event[]
parentCall?: Call
subcalls: Call[]
extrinsicIndex: number
extrinsic?: Extrinsic

// methods
getParentCall(): Call
getExtrinsic(): Extrinsic

Definition of the types mentioned are available in their respective sections:


Extrinsic data items may have the following fields:

Extrinsic {
// can be requested with field selectors
success: boolean
error?: unknown
fee?: bigint
hash: string
signature?: {
// no per-field selection here:
// "signature: true" gets all fields
address: unknown
signature: unknown
signedExtensions: unknown
tip?: bigint
version: number

// independent of field selectors
id: string
index: number
block: BlockHeader
events: Event[]
call?: Call
subcalls: Call[]

// methods
getCall(): Call

Definition of mentioned types are available in their respective sections:

Block headers

BlockHeader data items may have the following fields:

// can be requested with field selectors
digest: { // request with "digest: true"
logs: string[]
extrinsicsRoot: string
stateRoot: string
timestamp?: number
validator?: string

// independent of field selectors
id: string
hash: string
height: number
implName: string
implVersion: number
parentHash: string
specName: string
specVersion: number
_runtime: Runtime
_runtimeOfPrevBlock: Runtime

// methods
getParent(): {
_runtime: Runtime
hash: string
height: number

Runtime is an internal type that tools like squid-substrate-typegen use for dealing with Substrate runtime versions. The curious may take a look at the definition here.

A complete example

Fetch Balances.Transfer events and Balances.transfer_keep_alive calls along with their parent extrinsics. Enrich the extrinsics with hashes, fees and success flags:

const processor = new SubstrateBatchProcessor()
name: ['Balances.Transfer'],
extrinsic: true
name: ['Balances.transfer_keep_alive'],
extrinsic: true
extrinsic: {
hash: true,
fee: true,
success: true