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CSV format support

Table Implementation

The @subsquid/file-store-csv package provides a Table implementation for writing to CSV files. Use it by supplying one or more of its instances via the tables field of the Database constructor argument. Constructor of the Table implementation accepts the following arguments:

  • fileName: string: the name of the output file in every dataset partition folder.
  • schema: {[column: string]: ColumnData}: a mapping from CSV column names to ColumnData objects. A mapping of the same keys to data values is the row type used by the table writer.
  • options?: TableOptions: see Table Options.


ColumnData objects determine how the in-memory data representation of each table column should be serialized. They are made with the Column factory function that accepts a column data type and an optional {nullable?: boolean} options object as arguments.

Column types can be obtained by making the function calls listed below from the Types submodule. They determine the type that the table writer will expect to find at the corresponding field of data row objects.

Column typeType of the data row field
Types.Numeric()number or bigint
Types.DateTime(format?: string)Date

Types.DateTime accepts an optional strftime-compatible format string. If it is omitted, the dates will be serialized to ISO strings.

The type T supplied to the Types.JSON() generic function must be an object with string keys (extend {[k: string]: any}).

Table Options

As its optional final argument, the constructor of Table accepts an object that defines table options:

TableOptions {
dialect?: Dialect
header?: boolean


  • dialect determines the details of the CSV formatting (see the details below, default: dialects.excel)
  • header determines whether a CSV header should be added (default: true)

Dialect type is defined as follows:

Dialect {
delimiter: string
escapeChar?: string
quoteChar: string
quoting: Quote
lineterminator: string


enum Quote {
ALL, // Put all values in quotes.
MINIMAL, // Only quote strings with special characters.
// A special character is one of the following:
// delimiter, lineterminator, quoteChar.
NONNUMERIC, // Quote strings, booleans, DateTimes and JSONs.
NONE // Do not quote values.

is the enum determining how the formatted values should be quoted. The quote character is escaped for all values of quoting; Quote.NONE additionally escapes the rest of the special characters and the escape character.

Two dialect presets are available via the dialects object exported by @subsquid/file-store-csv:

export let dialects = {
excel: {
delimiter: ',',
quoteChar: '"',
quoting: Quote.MINIMAL,
lineterminator: '\r\n'
excelTab: {
delimiter: '\t',
quoteChar: '"',
quoting: Quote.MINIMAL,
lineterminator: '\r\n'


This saves ERC20 Transfer events captured by the processor to TSV (tab-separated values) files. Full squid code is available in this repo.

import {Database, LocalDest} from '@subsquid/file-store'
import {
} from '@subsquid/file-store-csv'

const dbOptions = {
tables: {
TransfersTable: new Table(
from: Column(Types.String()),
to: Column(Types.String()),
value: Column(Types.Numeric())
dialect: dialects.excelTab,
header: true
dest: new LocalDest('./data'),
chunkSizeMb: 10
} Database(dbOptions), async (ctx) => {
let from: string = ...
let to: string = ...
let value: bigint = ...{ from, to, value })