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This page describes the interface of the classes from the @subsquid/typeorm-store NPM package. If you're looking for a guide on saving squid data to databases and the related workflows, check out the Saving to PostgreSQL page.

TypeormDatabase constructor arguments

The argument of the TypeormDatabase class constructor may have the following fields:

  • stateSchema: string: the name of the database schema that the processor uses to persist its status (hash + height of the highest reached block). Useful for making sure that each processor uses its own state schema when running multiple processors against the same database (e.g. in a multichain setting). Default: 'squid_processor'.
  • isolationLevel: 'SERIALIZABLE' | 'READ COMMITTED' | 'REPEATABLE READ': sets the transaction isolation level of processor transactions. Default: 'SERIALIZABLE'.
  • supportHotBlocks: boolean: controls the support for hot blocks. Necessary in all squids that must be able to handle short-lived blockchain forks. That includes all squids that index chain data in near-real time using RPC endpoints. Default: true.
  • projectDir: string: the folder where TypeormDatabase will look for the TypeORM model definition (at lib/model) and for migrations (at db/migrations). Default: process.cwd().

Store interface

Batch access methods

upsert(e: E | E[])

Upsert a single or multiple entities to the database. Does not cascade the upsert to the relations.

await[new User({id: 'Bob'}), new User({id: 'Alice'}))])

save(e: E | E[])

Deprecated alias for upsert().

insert(e: E | E[])

Inserts a given entity or entities into the database. Does not check if the entity(s) exist in the database and will fail if a duplicate is inserted. Executes a primitive INSERT operation without cascading to the relations.

await[new User({id: 'Bob'}), new User({id: 'Alice'}))])

remove(e: E | E[] | EntityClass<E>, id?: string | string[])

Deletes a given entity or entities from the database. Accepts either an object or an entity ID(s). Does not cascade the deletion.

await, ['Alice', 'Bob'])

TypeORM methods

For details see TypeORM EntityManager reference.


Get an entity by ID.

await, 'Bob')


Count the number of entities matching a where filter.

await, {
where: {
firstName: "Timber",


Count the number of entities matching a filter.

await, { firstName: "Timber" })


Return a list matching a where filter.

await, {
where: {
firstName: "Timber",


Return a list matching a filter.

let accounts = await, {id: In([...accountIds])})


Return the first entity matching a where filter.

const timber = await, {
where: {
firstName: "Timber",


Return the first entity matching a filter.

const timber = await, { firstName: "Timber" })


Throws if nothing is found.

const timber = await, {
where: {
firstName: "Timber",


Throws if nothing is found.

const timber = await, { firstName: "Timber" })

Find Operators

find() and findXXX() methods support the following operators:

  • In (contains in array)
  • Not
  • LessThan
  • LessThanOrEqual
  • MoreThan
  • MoreThanOrEqual
  • Like
  • ILike
  • Between
  • Any
  • IsNull
  • Raw (raw SQL fragments)

See the details and examples in the TypeORM FindOption docs.


let accounts = await, {id: In([...accountIds])})

Joining relations

To load an entity with relations, use relations field on the find options and specify which relations should be joined:

await, {
relations: {
project: true,
where: {
project: {
name: "TypeORM",
initials: "TORM",

See the TypeORM docs sections for details.

Database connection parameters

Database credentials must be supplied via the environment variables:

  • DB_HOST (default localhost)
  • DB_PORT (default 5432)
  • DB_NAME (default postgres)
  • DB_USER (default postgres)
  • DB_PASS (default postgres)
  • DB_SSL (default false)
  • DB_URL (default undefined, see the DB_URL section)

When deploying to Cloud with the Postgres addon enabled in the manifest, any user-supplied values are overwritten for most of these variables. See Variable shadowing.

typorm-store also supports the following variables for connecting to databases that require client-side SSL:

  • DB_SSL_CA - the root certificate in plain text
  • DB_SSL_CA_FILE - path to a root certificate file
  • DB_SSL_CERT - client certificate in plain text
  • DB_SSL_CERT_FILE - path to client certificate in plain text
  • DB_SSL_KEY - client key in plain text
  • DB_SSL_KEY_FILE - path to client key in plain text

In case you're deploying to Cloud you can set secrets to the contents of any given file via stdin:

sqd secrets set DB_SSL_CA < ca.crt


When set, DB_URL takes precedence over all individual variables. Its format is as follows:


where parameter_list is an &-separated list of assignments of SSL connection parameters:

  • ssl=(0|1|true|false)
  • sslmode=(disabled|no-verify|prefer|require|verify-ca|verify-full)
  • sslcert=<path_to_cert_file>
  • sslkey=<path_to_key_file>
  • sslrootcert=<path_to_root_cert_file>

When any value is omitted from the URL, the value of the corresponding individual DB_* variable will be used instead. If that is not set, the default will be used.