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sqd deploy

Deploy new or update an existing squid deployment in the Cloud. Squid name and also optionally slot and/or tag are taken from the provided deployment manifest.

sqd deploy SOURCE

Deploy new or update an existing squid in the Cloud

$ sqd deploy SOURCE [--interactive]
[-r [<org>/]<name>(@<slot>|:<tag>) | -o <code> | -n <name> | [-s <slot>] | [-t <tag>]]
[-m <manifest_path>] [--hard-reset] [--stream-logs] [--add-tag <value>]
[--allow-update] [--allow-tag-reassign] [--allow-manifest-override]

SOURCE [default: .] Squid source. Could be:
- a relative or absolute path to a local folder (e.g. ".")
- a URL to a .tar.gz archive
- a github URL to a git repo with a branch or commit tag

-m, --manifest=<manifest_path> [default: squid.yaml] Specify the relative local path
to a squid manifest file in the squid working directory
--add-tag=<value> Add a tag to the deployed squid
--allow-manifest-override Allow overriding the manifest during deployment
--allow-tag-reassign Allow reassigning an existing tag
--allow-update Allow updating an existing squid
--hard-reset Perform a hard reset before deploying. This will drop
and re-create all squid resources, including the
database, causing a short API downtime
--[no-]interactive Disable interactive mode
--[no-]stream-logs Attach and stream squid logs after the deployment

-n, --name=<name> Name of the squid
-r, --reference=[<org>/]<name>(@<slot>|:<tag>) Fully qualified reference of the squid.
It can include the organization, name,
slot, or tag
-s, --slot=<slot> Slot of the squid
-t, --tag=<tag> Tag of the squid

-o, --org=<code> Code of the organization

Deploy new or update an existing squid in the Cloud


// Create a new squid with name provided in the manifest file
$ sqd deploy .

// Create a new squid deployment and override it's name to "my-squid-override"
$ sqd deploy . -n my-squid-override

// Update the "my-squid" squid with slot "asmzf5"
$ sqd deploy . -n my-squid -s asmzf5

// Use a manifest file located in ./path-to-the-squid/
$ sqd deploy ./path-to-the-squid -m

// Full paths are also fine
$ sqd deploy /Users/dev/path-to-the-squid -m /Users/dev/path-to-the-squid/

See code: src/commands/deploy.ts