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sqd secrets

Manage account secrets

The secrets are exposed as a context, and are accessible to all the squids deployed by the current SQD Cloud organization.

All sqd secrets commands require specifying an organization with the -o/--org flag when invoked by accounts with more than one organization. SQD Cloud users with just one organization can omit this flag.

sqd secrets:ls

List all secrets for the current SQD Cloud account

$ sqd secrets:ls [-o <value>]

NAME The secret name

See code: src/commands/secrets/ls.ts

sqd secrets:rm NAME

Remove a secret

$ sqd secrets:rm NAME [-o <value>]

NAME The secret name

See code: src/commands/secrets/rm.ts

sqd secrets:set NAME VALUE

Add or update a secret in the Cloud. If value is not specified, it is read from standard input. The secret will be exposed as an environment variable with the given name to all the squids in the organization. NOTE: The changes take affect only after a squid is restarted or updated.

$ sqd secrets:set NAME VALUE [-o <value>]

NAME The secret name
VALUE The secret value

See code: src/commands/secrets/set.ts