📄️ Installation
Setup Squid CLI
📄️ commands.json
Dynamic sqd commands
📄️ sqd auth
Authenticate to deploy and manage squids 🦑
📄️ sqd deploy
Deploy or update a squid version.
📄️ sqd explorer
Visual explorer of deployed squids
📄️ sqd gateways
Explore data sources for a squid
📄️ sqd init
Create a squid from a template
📄️ sqd logs
Fetch squid logs
📄️ sqd ls
List squids and squid versions
📄️ sqd prod
Assign squid version to the production endpoint
📄️ sqd restart
Restart a squid version
📄️ sqd rm
Remove a squid or a squid version
📄️ sqd run
Run a squid locally according to the deployment manifest.
📄️ sqd secrets
Manage account secrets
📄️ sqd whoami
Return user and context